
Guidelines for article submission

All texts shall be submitted to the Editor, who then will pass them on to the Editorial Committee. This will the carry out a paper selection process, and will be in charge of choosing suitable peers for reviewing submissions. Tabula Rasa turns to reviewers external to the journal and to Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca. Once your submission is done, you shall receive a confirmation of receipt, and will be included in the corresponding process.
Your submissions shall be sent to: and

Recommendations and clarificationss

  • Tabula Rasa adheres to the free circulation and (either in part or in full) reproduction of all papers published, provided they are properly cited and used with academic purposes.
  • Any author shall state in written (in print or online), he or she authorizes their work in this journal pages, and that she or he is aware and agrees with Tabula Rasa’s editorial policies. This means free reproduction from databases or the online version.
  • Tabula Rasa does not ask their authors to transfer copyright. They keep their copyrights.
  • Papers submitted must be unpublished, written by the stated author. Additionally, authors shall state they respect copyright or any third-party authorship. Also, they must not have editorial previous publishing commitments.
  • The paper shall be submitted by e-mail to the journal address:, in Word files without any additional format, along with all the accompanying material necessary for review and publication. Also, a copy shall be sent to the journal editor: Mr. Leonardo Montenegro to
  • All submissions shall include a brief author(s)’s CV.
  • The written piece shall contain Spanish and English abstracts (and as possible in Portuguese) not over 150 words. Tabula Rasa recommends it includes the goals of the study or the research, basic procedures followed, main results and main conclusions in the paper.
  • Between 3 and 4 keywords shall be presented and identified in Spanish, English (and as long as possible, in Portuguese).
  • You shall state the name of the whole research project within which your (theoretical or empirical) research is inserted, and, whenever the case, funding organizations.
  • The reference or bibliography list should include only texts quoted in the paper.

Guidelines for paper presentation

The length of the articles —including footnotes, quotations, tables, captions, and bibliographic references— should not exceed 10,000 (ten thousand) words. All of the pages shall be consecutively

Tables and figures

All graphic material shall be called in the body text, directly or among parentheses. It shall be presented separately and be consecutively numbered (figure 1, map 1, graph 1, and so on). It shall include the title and the source of the information or graphic material. The material shall be presented in TIF format (only), with no less than 300-dpi resolution. In case any reproduction permission is required, it will be on charge of the author.

Titles and subtitles

The title of the document shall synthesize the main idea, and shall avoid words not serving to the purpose of conveying sense, making the title longer, and inducing confusion in the author. APA recommends restraining title length to 12 words. Subtitles show the main subdivisions in the manuscript, and serve to the purpose of guiding the reader on the different topics the piece addresses. No more than three subtitle hierarchies are recommended, which shall reflect accurately, the organization of the text.

Tittle (in small caps)
First subtitle
First section under the subtitle
Second section under the subtitle

Footnotes and quotes

Notes shall always be on page foot, they will serve to comment on, add or complement important information provided in the text. They cannot be bibliographic references, except for quotes from newspapers, magazines or judicial rulings —for example, rulings by the Constitutional Court, the Council of State, and so on—. Textual quotations exceeding three lines (or 40 words) or that need to be highlighted, shall be written on a different paragraph, indented on the left. Those that are included within the body text, shall be enclosed in quotation marks (“ ”).

Citation model (author: year, page number)

Bibliographic citations will be done within the text, including the author(s)’s last name, the year of publication, and —in the case of textual quotes— the number(s) of pages. Like this: (Rodríguez, 1978, p. 427). Other examples are: two authors shall be separated by an ampersand (&): (López & Arango, 1970, p. 33); more than two authors is indicated by “et al.”: (Gómez et al., 1997, p. 66); more than two works by the same author(s), from the same year: (Díaz, 1998a, 1998b): works from several authors in the same citation: (Rodríguez, 1978; López & Arango, 1970, p. 33; Gómez et al., 1997).

Bibliographic References

The paper shall only contain the references quoted within the text, rather than bibliography lists. The list of bibliographic references shall be included at the end of all works, and be listed in strict alphabetic order. Names and last names shall be presented with the initial capitalized, rather than the whole word in capital letters. Each of the samples below illustrates a specific case. Again, no authors or work haven’t been cited within the text may be included in the references.


  • Books
    Last name, A. A. (year). Title of work. Location: Publisher.

    Aisenson, A. (1989). Corporalidad y persona. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

    Bonfil, G. (Comp.). (1976). Etnocidio y desarrollo en América Latina. México: Clacso.

    Bonfil, G. (Comp.). (1976a). México profundo. México: Grijalbo.

    Montenegro, L. (Ed.). (2011). Cultura y Naturaleza. Bogotá: Jardín Botánico de Bogotá.

  • Book chapters
    Surname, A. A. & Surname, B. B. (year). Title of chapter or entry. In A. A. Surname. (Ed.), Title of Work (pp. xx-xx). Location: Publisher

    Chaumeil, J.P. (1991). El poder vegetal. En G. Reichel-Dolmatoff (Ed.), Rituales y fiestas de las Américas. (pp. 121-177). Bogotá: Uniandes.

    Niño, S. (1994). Tres barrios populares de diferente origen. En J. Arturo (comp.), Pobladores urbanos, vol. I. (pp. 317-341). Bogotá: Tercer Mundo Editores-ICAN.

  • Journals and periodical publications
    Surname, A. A., Surname, B. B. & Surname, C. C. (year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume(issue), pp-pp.

    Le Mouël, J. (1997). Lo eficaz es justo. Cuadernos de Economía, 26, 17-29. Mahecha, D. y Franky, C.E. (1997). Los makú del noroeste amazónico. Revista Colombiana de Antropología. 35(1), 85-133.

    • Journal article with DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
      Surname, A. A., Surname, B. B. & Surname, C. C. (year). Title of article. Title of periodical, volume(issue), pp-pp. doi: xx.xxxxxxxKay, C. (2011). A tribute to Willem Assies (1954-2010): Reflections on his contribution to peasant and indigenous studies. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 38(2), 459-477, DOI: 10.1080/03066150.2011.559017
    • (When the paper was retrieved from a web page, or electronic version and has a DOI code, there is no need to include the URL nor the date of retrieval).Articles on online journals
      Surname, A. A. (year). Title of article. Title of periodical, volume(issue): pp-pp. Retrieved from: URL

      Limic, T. (2015). Para un diálogo interepistémico y decolonial entre feministas occidentales y no occidentales. Tabula Rasa, 23, 133-156. Recuperado de:

    • Articles in a newspaper(With author): Surname, A. A. (year, month day). Title of the article. Title of the periodical, pp-pp.
      Coronell, D. (2016, 7 de agosto). El sorpresivo heredero de Rodríguez Gacha. Semana, p. 20.

      (Without any autor): Title of the article. (year, month day). Title of the newspaper, pp-pp
      El facilitador. (2016, 7 de agosto). Semana, pp. 42-43.

    • Articles on online newspapersSurname, A. A. (year, month day). Title of the article. Title of the newspaper. Retrieved from: URLLondoño, J. (2016, 05 de septiembre). Virgilio Barco, el valiente y último radical. Semana. Recuperado de
  • Theses, reports and unpublished written pieces, and proceedings from workshops, symposia, conferences
    Surname, A.A. & Surname, A.A. (year). Title of the thesis. (Undergraduate, Graduate or Doctoral thesis). Name of the institution, Location.

    Hernández, E. y M. López. (1993). El Th’wala y sus plantas medicinales: etnobotánica de la medicina páez en el Cabuyo, Tierradentro. Tesis de pregrado, Departamento de Biología, Universidad del Cauca, Popayán, Colombia.

    • Institutional or business reports:
      Surname, A.A. & Surname, A.A. (year). Title of the report. (Report number, in case it has one) Retrieved from website (name of the organization, company, university): URLName of the institution. (year). Title of report. (Number of the report, in case it has one) Retrieved from: URL

      Unesco. (2016). La educación al servicio de los pueblos y el planeta: creación de futuros sostenibles para todos. Recuperado de:

    • Proceedings and conferences
      Surname, A.A. & Surname, A.A. (year). Title of speech or presentation. In A. Surname (the symposium or congress president’s or organizer’s), Title of the congress or symposium. Conference or symposium held during the congress (name), Name of the organization, location.Ochoa, Ana María. (2000). Expediciones nacionales, sistemas planetarios: conocimiento y modernidad en la historia de Colombia. En H. Portela, presidente, Simposio Global/Local, IX Congreso de Antropología en Colombia. Universidad del Cauca, Popayán, Colombia.
  • Online pieces
    • Web pages
      Title of page. (Date). Publishing entity. Retrieved from: URL
    • Documents in CD or DVD
      Surname, A. (Fecha). Title of the work (edition) [Medium used: CD or DVD]. Location: Publisher.
    • Entries in online encyclopedias:
      Surname, A. (year) Title of the entry. Title of encyclopedia [Medium used]. Location: Publisher, URL
    • Films:
      Director’s Surname, A. (director). (year). Name of the film [motion picture]. Country: Studio.
    • Television series:
      Producer’s Surname, A. (producer). (year). Name of the series [television series]. City: Studio.
    • Music recordings:
      Surname, A. (date of literary estate). Title of the song. In Title of the album. [Medium of recording: compact disc, tape, etc.]. Location: Label.
    • When referencing any material gotten from a database, please follow the format suitable for the work obtained, adding retrieval data, date of access, and complete name of the database.

Publishing ethics and malpractice

Tabula Rasa abides by the ethical guidelines for scientific journals, as stated by Elsevier, and not-for-profit site In that spirit, it recommends its authors to care strictly about quoting third parties in their submissions, by properly citing, whether literally quoting, paraphrasing or referring to third-parties’ work, clearly stating the source any data was taken from. Also, it asks its authors to limit self-citations to 5% of their article, and if needed, to prefer the use of primary sources. Previous research data shall be quoted in as transparent way as possible. Similarly, we discourage redundant publication practices, upon the understanding that scholar publications are granted by public funds, so that for the sake of financial and scholar honesty, we consider this is a practice to be avoided.

In the same line, we invite all of our authors to state any conflict of interest when addressing any issue or topic, and —in the case of collective authorship— to clearly specify each author’s contribution to the work presented. Additionally, all the authors must clearly accept responsibility on the final product to be published.

For any further doubt or concern with regards to this please email the journal team : or the editor Leonardo Montenegro:

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