Ernell Villa
Orcid ID:
Universidad de la Guajira, Colombia

Wilmer Villa
Orcid ID:
Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Colombia


This paper is the result of a research process performed under the ideas of Caribbean thinkers, in the interest of generating a framework of comprehension-action leading to appraise the points of reference accounting for intellectual sovereignty in peoples that have endured the difficult experience of colonialism. The question this paper addresses is: Which referent may help to study the internalization of social structures among victims of human trafficking, who were expelled from themselves under the referent of colony and coloniality? In this case, non-existence is considered as a part of a historical projection on bodies in which life was denied. This would be the West’s historical operation, which would have led it to have at their disposal the existence of those who were turned into objects. This kind of existential production is what sociogenesis deals with in this paper, as a way out, a way to know and behave face to the domination on the colonized thinking. This paper is articulated in response to the category of victims of slave trade, which was built as a possibility of critical analysis. The paper is structured in five sections seeking to account for the historical, ethno-psychological and epistemic referents that have had a bearing upon the configuration of a militant thinking school in the transatlantic world.

Keywords: sociogenesis, human trafficking, wise silence, transatlantic world, re-existence.