Leticia Katzer
UnCuyo-CONICET, Argentina


On the crossroads of ethnological theory, the Derridian spectralogical criticism and ethnography, and on the grounds of the ethnographic research carried out on our own among Huarpe adscript aborigines in the province of Mendoza, Argentina, since 2004, this paper aims to explore the ways how ethnic ascription is made and how it is articulated. Ethnographic records presented here show that when delimiting identity spaces, ‘ghostly’ mechanisms are sitting on the edge, and identifications are acknowledged/legitimated through them, as well as are ‘spectral’ rewritings done in the specific social practices. While the formal ethnical organization is woven in sedentary logic wefts, native practices are inscribed in a nomadic logic.

Keywords: ethnicity, ghosts, specters, nomadism, philolitical ethnography.