Leidy Carolina Díaz Cardozo
Universidad Externado de Colombia
This article takes the profession as a study object with the intent of strengthening the training and professional exercise and scientific study of Social Work. It is based on the historical-critical approach that was given to Social Work in Brazil since the 1980s; this approach analyzes the profession as tied in to the Capitalist system that determines its focus and execution. The approach is based on Dialectical Materialism, which forms part of Marx’s theory of knowledge; its formulation reports the conditions of economic, cultural and political context, among others. From 1995 until 2003, twelve monographs, three research studies and twenty articles have taken this profession as object of study at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and Universidad de la Salle. This fact indicates that detailed knowledge about Social Work has been generated continually and represents a component to the profession.
Keywords: Knowledge production, social work, historical-critical approach.