Emilia López Luna elopezl@unicolmayor.edu.co Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca (Colombia) Melba Yesmit Chaparro Maldonado melbayes@hotmail.com Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca (Colombia) Abstract: The present article is a result of the investigation “Skills of social workers as observed from the employment market” conducted in the year 2004. The conceptual framework is also supported by the skills […]
Leidy Carolina Díaz Cardozo leidydi_az@yahoo.es Universidad Externado de Colombia Abstract: This article takes the profession as a study object with the intent of strengthening the training and professional exercise and scientific study of Social Work. It is based on the historical-critical approach that was given to Social Work in Brazil since the 1980s; this approach […]
Bertha Marlén Velásquez Burgos bemar5@yahoo.es Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca (Colombia) María Graciela Calle M. marigracie@yahoo.es Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca (Colombia) Nahyr Remolina De Cleves remocleves@hotmail.com Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca (Colombia) Abstract: This article invites readers to reflect on the different neuroscientific theories of learning: the theory of the triune brain, the whole […]
Juan Alberto Blanco Puentes jabp7@hotmail.com Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca (Colombia) Abstract: Today, academic exercises begin with writing essays. As an academic tool, essays are useful just as much for writers as they are for readers. In reference to that, this article reflects about the essay and guides the reader through the […]
Diana M. Gómez Correal marcelantropologia@hotmail.com Universidad Nacional de Colombia Abstract: This paper explores the relationship between the agency, culture, politics, and the possibility of transforming reality through the use of a theatrical piece created collectively by a group of young feminist women and the participation of some of the audience members. Starting from an ethnographic […]
María Isabel Zapata V. mizapata@javeriana.edu.co Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia) Abstract: The life of Colombians has established itself throughout the years in an identitarian way through common places and important dates. One of those dates is the 9th of April of 1948. But this investigation, more than just concentrating on the details of the life of […]
Nicolás Restrepo resnicolas@gmail.com Universidad Nacional de Colombia Abstract: With this paper I intend to show the historical context in which the process of acculturation of the Amazonian indigenous societies took place, specifically the ones that lived by the end of the nineteenth century in the territory that today conforms the Putumayo region. In order to […]
Elkin Rubiano elkinrubiano@yahoo.es Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Universidad Externado de Colombia Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano (Colombia) Abstract: Through a statistical analysis of content, the present study intends to investigate which definition of “culture” is constructed in the cultural pages of magazines and newspapers of national circulation. The results of the study show that there is a […]
Noel B. Salazar nsalazar@sas.upenn.edu University of Pennsylvania (USA) Abstract: This article reviews anthropologically inspired theories of international tourism in developing countries, analyzing the interrelationships between three core theoretical concepts – culture, power, and identity. The first anthropological attempts at theorizing contemporary tourism were embedded in a framework of political economy and focused on macro-scale inequalities. […]
John Agnew jagnew@geog.ucla.edu University of California, Los Angeles, UCLA (USA) Abstract: The roles of territory and borders in the genesis of conflicts have come under increased scrutiny in international relations and political geography over the past ten years. In this paper I want to focus on three intellectual trends that indicate a rapprochement between scholars […]
Eduardo Mendieta emendieta@notes.cc.sunysb.edu Stony Brook University (USA) Center for Cultural Studies at UC Santa Cruz Abstract: The article begins with a discussion of the methodological breakthrough made by Said in his magisterial Orientalism, which it is claimed also informed his subsequent works. He is defended against critics who impute on him with, and impugn him for, […]
Lawrence Grossberg dockrock@email.unc.edu University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (USA) Abstract: Stuart Hall’s work on race cannot be separated from his work in cultural studies, and in particular, from his commitment to a radical contextualism. In this article, I argue that Stuart Hall’s work on race and racism in the context of his own long-standing […]
Luis Guillermo Vasco Uribe luguiva@cable.net.co Independent researcher (Colombia) Abstract: This article, written in 1975, exposes the classic Marxist position towards the so-called “national problem”, and its development from Marx and Engels to Lenin and Stalin, based on the emergent imperialism and the October Revolution in Russia. The text also presents some of the changes that occurred […]