Tania Carranza
Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México —UACM—
This paper aims to continue the debate on the theories and practices about mind, language, people decolonization processes, and a way to approach Marxisms in the global South. Present day historic colonial relations and Latin American cultural and epistemic emancipations that brought about their own ways of knowing are highlighted here. The analysis advances the construction of the historical subject as requiring a decolonization process in the ways of approaching and understanding Marxisms as decolonization instruments, with methodology as a point of departure. In fact, Marxist thought survives despite attacks from capitalist discourses and postmodernism, and today’s distorting orthodox and purist left. Finally, the debate leads to consider socialism as an alternative project.
Keywords: Decolonization, Marxisms, historical subject, Latin America, epistemologies of the South.