Macarena del Pilar Manzanelli
Orcid ID:
Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, Argentina;


This work is framed within the proposal of Working Group «Anthropology of Biopolitics» from the Latin American Anthropology Association (Asociación Latinoamérica de Antropología —ALA), where the articulation between ethno-governmental  mechanisms exerted by the projects of multicultural-neoliberal State, aiming to have biopolitical incidence in the lives of organized indigenous peoples, and their responses to those forms of governmentality, which can be seen in their processes of self-recognition and commonalization. I draw from the ethnographic case study of two diaguitas communities, namely Chuschagastas and Tolombóns (department of Trancas, Choromoro Valley, now the province of Tucumán, Argentina). Identitarian and organizational experiences in those communities show the existence of a framework combining, on the one hand, marks of the mainstream modern colonial form of alternative «life in common» management; and on the other hand, forms bringing into question those rationales and representing decolonial openings.

Keywords: multicultural governmentality, colonialist rationality, decoloniality, Diaguita people-nation.