Cristo Rafael Figueroa Sánchez
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca


This article analyses the asymmetrical relation between narrative grammar (the establishmentof new forms that produce inedited perceptions of reality) and violence (with a capital «V»it indicates the period of 1946 to 1967 in national history, and with a small «v» it refers to thestate of permanent conflict in which the country is engulfed). From this perspective I willanalyse, first, works in which historical events determine textual grammar – the narrative inviolence –and then, a specific group that characterizes the so-called narrative of violence.Finally, I will examine the relation of multiple violences – alternative grammars – throughanother group of texts to be found in testimonial literature, documental fiction and therecent novelisation of the dynamics of drug trafficking.

Palabras clave: narrative grammar, violence, multiple violences, historical signification, testimonio,documentary fiction.