Diana Bocarejo
Universidad del Rosario, Colombia
In spite of their mutual caricaturization, anthropology and cultural studies share a set of analytical approaches which could result in immensely fruitful dialogues. In this brief reflection I intend to present some contributions from both fields of study compared to the analysis both theoretical and empirical on “the political” and power. In the first section, I build upon the relationship between culture and power as one of the most interesting sinergies. A second line of joint discussion is a conceptualization of the political as an issue demanding an encompassing study, including daily practices in language, symbolism, aesthetics, and so on. Finally, a discussion that has marked both anthropology and cultural studies is politics in our studies, resulting in a mutual reflexivity regarding the context in which we conduct research and write, and the bet on action and “activism” in our academic production.
Keywords: Intersection cultural studies-anthropology, culture, power.