María Graciela Calle
Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca, Colombia

Lola Rosalía Saavedra Guzmán
Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca, Colombia


The present article exposes the topic of academic tutoring, as fundamental mediation that facilitates the development of autonomy with responsibility, as well as independent and collaborative work in the process of student formation. Furthermore, it offers basic tools that are the support of the accompaniment on the part of the tutor, with the purpose of achieving the educational objectives using pedagogical resources that are required by the interaction of teacher – student inside and outside of the classroom. Therefore, the article makes a proposal that contributes to the development of this process in an effective, efficient and productive way that has an impact not only on the formation of the educator, but also benefits the graduating students. It is thus that taking on the compromises that stem from academic tutoring, the inclination is towards improvement of facilitation methods for learning, and therefore of the quality of higher learning.

Keywords: tutoring, independent work, autonomy, formation, responsibility. integral formation, collaborative work, autonomous learning, pedagogical practice, accompaniment, motivation, individual development.