Javier García-Fernández
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal


This article intends to engage in a dialogue the thinking of two militants and intellectuals, namely the Andalusian thinker and father of Andalusian homeland Blas Infante, and anticolonial thinker Frantz Fanon. On one side, readers can see the universe of emancipatory and leftist regionalisms and in the so-called Stateless nations in the context of southern Europe, and on the other side, there is Frantz Fanon’s anti-colonial thinking. Blas Infante is taken here as a benchmark of emancipating thinking from southern Europe Stateless nations, as he is an Andalusian thinker deeply engaged in the reality of northern Africa through his journeys and his quest of Al-Andalus’ African roots. Frantz Fanon is considered, as a Caribbean thinker who developed his most important political and intellectual activity in Northern Africa. The dialogue between these two ground-breaking thinkers brings about favorable conditions for a new decolonial paradigm drawing from both the best tradition of anticolonial thinking and anti-Euro-centric Andalusian nationalism.

Keywords: Frantz Fanon, Blas Infante, cultural decolonization, processes of emancipation, anti-colonialism, leftist nationalisms.