Nahyr Remolina de Cleves
Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca
Bertha Marlén Velásquez
Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca
María Graciela Calle M.
Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca
This article describes and reflects upon the historic process of pedagogy and the fundamen-tal aspects of the teacher as creator and cultivator of life, from antiquity to the presentcentury. The authentic teacher has essential characteristics that distinguish him / her as leaderand mentor of people, facilitator of knowledges and values that propel human development.Not only does (s)he teach and instruct but also educate in attitudes and examples of life. Thequalities of the integral teacher are presented here conflating scientific knowledge; intellectualvirtues; humanistic sense; prospective, creative and transformative vision; the defence oftruth and life; the cultivation of ethical values; the innovative edification of culture and thepermanent commitment to educate in the name of freedom.
Keywords: Teacher, generator of knowledge, facilitator of knowledge and values.