Martha Cecilia Andrade Calderón
Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca
Clarena Muñoz Dagua
Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca
The critical workshop is conceived of as a strategy of interactive work and as an ideal resourceto generate educational acts in active pedagogy and didactics. This kind of workshop makesit possible to integrate, together in group, the tasks that are expected to develop higherintellectual skills such as analysis, synthesis, conceptualization, data evaluation, systemicthinking, critical attitude, formative research, and metacognition. This new approach to theworkshop is based on Peter Facione’s theory on the importance of generating critical thinkingin pedagogy. Thus, the analysis of the critical workshop, from a prospective viewpoint, is anopportunity for confrontation that is open to dialogue and voice in which differentcircumstances meet and merge to yield insights and develop competences to learn to think bydoing.
Keywords: Critical workshop, active didactics, critical thinking, interactive work, context.