Cristo Rafael Figueroa
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca, Colombia


This article tries to visualize three of the narrative trayectories that Colombian novelistics adopted after “The Autumn of the Patriarch” by Gabriel García Márquez: exploration of new literary forms to show the consequences of Colombian violence in female infancy and the role of women in this issue (Estaba la pájara pinta sentada en el verde by Albalucía Ángel); search for neorealist aesthetics to focus the complex processes and consequences of Bogotá’s modernization (Los parientes de Ester by Luis Fayad); and the option of neobaroque writing capable of putting into perspective and questioning hegemonic conceptions about colonial history (La tejedora de coronas by Germán Espinosa).

Keywords: focalization, violence, neo-realism, neo-baroque, urban spaces.